"There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home!"
We hope you enjoy these true stories with happy or inspirational endings of Lifeline for Pets' rescued animals.
Got 9?
You’ve heard of cats having 9 lives, but in this Happy Story it’s the people who had 9 cats!! Not on purpose, mind you. In May 2020, Lifeline for Pets was contacted by an independent rescuer, requesting assistance with their 9 cats, 5 of which were kittens that needed adopted out. A mom cat had given birth in their home in March, just as the pandemic hit and vet offices were closed. A Lifeline volunteer went to meet the kittens & all of them were very social, sweet and loving. The “foster” family had handled the kittens since they were 2 days old. Lifeline was able to direct the “foster” family to a vet for spay/neuter/vaccines & testing for the 4 cats they were going to keep & also got the kittens fully ‘vetted” ready for adoption. By August, all 5 kittens found their forever homes!! Clay & Houdini were adopted together, Buddy & Matty were adopted together and Byrdie found her home with a big brother. We thank this wonderful family, who, during a very challenging time, did such an amazing job in raising such sweet cats and preparing them to be adopted so quickly!
Pictures, L - R: Buddy & Matty; Byrdie; Clay & Houdini
You’ve heard of cats having 9 lives, but in this Happy Story it’s the people who had 9 cats!! Not on purpose, mind you. In May 2020, Lifeline for Pets was contacted by an independent rescuer, requesting assistance with their 9 cats, 5 of which were kittens that needed adopted out. A mom cat had given birth in their home in March, just as the pandemic hit and vet offices were closed. A Lifeline volunteer went to meet the kittens & all of them were very social, sweet and loving. The “foster” family had handled the kittens since they were 2 days old. Lifeline was able to direct the “foster” family to a vet for spay/neuter/vaccines & testing for the 4 cats they were going to keep & also got the kittens fully ‘vetted” ready for adoption. By August, all 5 kittens found their forever homes!! Clay & Houdini were adopted together, Buddy & Matty were adopted together and Byrdie found her home with a big brother. We thank this wonderful family, who, during a very challenging time, did such an amazing job in raising such sweet cats and preparing them to be adopted so quickly!
Pictures, L - R: Buddy & Matty; Byrdie; Clay & Houdini
Fabulous Foursome!
Ever adopt 4, yes, 4 kittens at the same time? One of our amazing adopters did! Here's her cute story:
My story begins like many others. I was born into a ‘dog family’. My mom hated cats. She told me that I hated cats. So, I hated cats for 50 years!! Fast forward to me being bored in college surfing the net. And BAM! There was Jeriah and I fell in love.... WITH A CAT! So I drove the 30 miles , with my daughter, to go meet Jeriah. Seems he had a brother that already died of pneumonia. They brought him out and his colony brother, Elvis, so they could play. Well, of course, my daughter LOVED Elvis and I LOVED Jeriah. Ok, we’ll take both. Ohhhh no! Did you know Elvis has two sisters? Omg stop already!!! And here they came! And I fell in love again. Problem was that Oanomi was spoken for and was being picked up. How could I leave Lilo? Ok I’ll take the three. BUT WAIT! Oanomi never got adopted. Oh well. Three or four? I’ll take them all!!
They just turned 5 years old. We have a party every year!!! They are the best. Jeriah( Indi) and Elvis ( Zeus) never leave my side. Lilo ( Hera) is a snuggler and Oanomi ( Athena) is very shy but such a beauty.
I am blessed I stumbled upon Lifeline for Pets and Shazi and her team. My babies ( ok, and my kids too!) have brought so much joy and happiness to my life. They are spoiled brats and I love them more and more everyday.
My suggestion? Visit Lifeline's website. Foster or adopt and Shazi will change your life!
I hope you enjoy my before and after pictures. You can see why we fell in love!
My story begins like many others. I was born into a ‘dog family’. My mom hated cats. She told me that I hated cats. So, I hated cats for 50 years!! Fast forward to me being bored in college surfing the net. And BAM! There was Jeriah and I fell in love.... WITH A CAT! So I drove the 30 miles , with my daughter, to go meet Jeriah. Seems he had a brother that already died of pneumonia. They brought him out and his colony brother, Elvis, so they could play. Well, of course, my daughter LOVED Elvis and I LOVED Jeriah. Ok, we’ll take both. Ohhhh no! Did you know Elvis has two sisters? Omg stop already!!! And here they came! And I fell in love again. Problem was that Oanomi was spoken for and was being picked up. How could I leave Lilo? Ok I’ll take the three. BUT WAIT! Oanomi never got adopted. Oh well. Three or four? I’ll take them all!!
They just turned 5 years old. We have a party every year!!! They are the best. Jeriah( Indi) and Elvis ( Zeus) never leave my side. Lilo ( Hera) is a snuggler and Oanomi ( Athena) is very shy but such a beauty.
I am blessed I stumbled upon Lifeline for Pets and Shazi and her team. My babies ( ok, and my kids too!) have brought so much joy and happiness to my life. They are spoiled brats and I love them more and more everyday.
My suggestion? Visit Lifeline's website. Foster or adopt and Shazi will change your life!
I hope you enjoy my before and after pictures. You can see why we fell in love!

Whatta boy!! This sweet stray was rescued by a good Samaritan because he was being tortured by peacocks and bullied by another cat. He was brought to safety and given a health exam, where it was determined he is FIV+. Norman, nee Rocky, is a big lug and a big love! He LOVES LOVES LOVES to be pet, held, & cuddled. Norman gets along with everyone, including his new brother in his new home. This sweet boy, who had never ever known a loving home, has a life of "purr" bliss at last! That's him, in our title picture, above.
Lola & Ava

These two very bonded sisters had been in a loving home all their lives. When their owner passed away, and they came to us, they were confused and wondering why they were not at their home. Yet, they were still very sweet, friendly, and loving to everyone. Their new mom says, "Ava and Lola knew they were “home” the second I opened up their carriers, and they’ve been queens of my apartment ever since. Ava, although the smaller one, has enough sass for the both of them, and her sassy meows and conversation never fail to make me laugh. Lola loves to play, and when not playing, she is snuggled up on my lap. They both love to cuddle and sleep on my bed with me every night."
Wonderful Whitney! Being deaf is no obstacle to charm!
Stryder had a rough start in life. He was living in a feral colony, and at some point, he was trapped in a leg trap, which is illegal. By the time his feeder found him, his leg was terribly mangled and Lifeline was contacted for assistance. His leg had to be amputated & he tested positive for FIV. Once he was in our care, it was obvious, Stryder was not completely feral. We decided not to return him back to his colony so we found a foster home for him. Once he was in a "home", he became very loving, loved to play, loved the comfort of a real bed and bonded with his foster Mom and trhe other house cat. Eventually he found his forever home and is living the life he deserves. Way to go, Stryder!
Three's Company!
Many adopters are happy with just an "only" cat. Yet, we are always promoting the benefits of adopting two cats, which more and more folks are doing; but . . . it is a rare occurrence, indeed, when 3 cats are adopted, and one that brings us much joy! (Note: We even had someone adopt 4 kittens!) Such was the case of one amazing adoptive family who adopted 3 kittens from the same litter. What made this adoption even more special was that one kitten, Grover, only has one eye and is all black. That was 2 strikes against him, as all rescues know that a special needs animal, and a dark colored animal, are the hardest to get adopted. Of the other 2 kittens, Willow is also all black, and Pansy is black and white. This wonderful family often sends us updates and pictures. All 3 kittens are thriving!
They write:
"Each is so special—Pansy, the intrepid explorer; Willow, the shy guardian; and Grover, who is adept at everything that any kitty with two eyes can do and then some. And they are all so sweet. We couldn't hope for more purrfect companions. We can't thank you enough for rescuing them and all the others you've saved."
UPDATE, 12/2016:
It was two years ago today that you brought Hawthorne (Grover), Daisy (Pansy), and Willow to us. They couldn’t have made us happier, and we hope they are happy, too. All three seem quite comfortable and content. Grover is still on medication for his asthma, but it seems to be under control; we are trying to reduce his daily dosage gradually. He is as adorable as ever. Pansy’s into everything but couldn’t be sweeter. Willow is a super sweet kitty, too. She gets her daily brushing, which she very much looks forward to. Although not as outgoing as Pansy or Grover, Willow likes attention and often asks for it, which she always gets. Thank you again for all the wonderful rescue work you do.
UPDATE, 7/2017
We've attached a few photos of our beloved kitties. They are all so sweet and good; we couldn't ask for more perfect companions. Grover's asthma is under control, and he got an A+ on his recent blood test. He always makes us smile. They all get along, although Grover and Willow seem to have a special bond. Willow has almost overcome her shyness with us. She will "call" for attention and always gets it. We take turns brushing her each night, which she particularly enjoys. It's her special time. Pansy's so bright and curious, and she couldn't be friendlier. We marvel daily at how lucky we are to have them in our lives. Thanks again for rescuing these wonderful felines and countless others.
Betty's Baxter!
One of our terrific supporters, Betty, who adopted her 2 dogs from us over 15 years ago, had experienced a missing part of her heart after losing both Ra and Winter (see pic). Still, she had room in her heart to love another dog, and that lucky dog turned out to be Baxter. Baxter had been looking for a forever home for months, to no avail. When our dog coordinator, Marilyn, mentioned him to Betty, it was meant to be! We can never replace the pets we've loved so dearly, but we have enough love to open our hearts and homes to another who needs us.
We wish Betty and Baxter many happy years together. |
Cat George and His Soldier, Ryan
UPDATE, Nov. 18, 2015: GOOD NEWS! Ryan picked up George this week from Brenda! What a happy story!
UPDATE, Feb. 22, 2017: Ryan, JJ, and George moved to Ft. Myers, FL and are doing well. UPDATE, May 29, 2019: Ryan wrote: "We are doing great now. You remember in 2015 I was homeless and really wanted to keep Georgie in my life and because of you guys we stayed together and are still together. I have moved to Florida and bought a house 5 miles from the ocean in palm coast just south of st Augustine. George has a big house and so much space to live. He's a happy boy. JJ was certified as a full fledged service dog back in December of 2018. We are still together and my boys and I are very happy and thankful for your help in making that happen. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! |
Chip, the Pip!
FIV+ Tabby finds forever home!
There must be extra special blessings for the wonderful, kind-hearted souls who adopt cats with special needs. Chip is FIV+, which is like human AIDS. It is only contagious to other cats, not humans or other species, and only if bitten drawing blood. Yet, an FIV+ cat, if friendly, and kept indoors as the only cat, can live a normal, healthy life. Chip was SO FRIENDLY at adoptions, with people and other pets! This large, "muscle-man" of a cat, with cute "chipmunk cheeks," always attracted potential adopters. However, when they'd learn that he is FIV+, they would turn away. Cats with special needs, even EASY special needs like Chip, are always the hardest to be adopted. Finally, after many long months, a woman came forward. She had lost a previous FIV+ cat, and had seen Chip's adorable video on our site. She fell in love! Chip now has a beautiful home, a loving owner, and a doggie pal! His owner says he is quite the cuddler. Rock on, Chippie!!
Pyewacket Perserveres

After having a loving home for many years, 15-year old Pyewacket, stunning Ragdoll, had to be rehomed. He was adopted twice, unsuccessfully, but through no fault of his own, because this sweet guy only wanted to be loved. Finally, our friends at Cats Pajamas took him in, and Lifeline stepped in to help. No sooner did we get his pictures and video on the websites, when a wonderful woman called. She said she wanted an older kitty, since she knows that the old ones are hardly ever adopted. We were just thrilled! He now rules the house and sleeps in one of his many beds--and that's just fine with her!
High School was Melody's hangout, until . . .
Melody was used to being around people and other cats because she spent lots of time hanging around a high school. Maybe she just wanted a good education! No one took much notice of this friendly and affectionate girl, until one of the math teachers did. The teacher began leaving food for her, and petting her, and also made sure that the kids treated her well, but seeing the cat taking shelter by the trash cans and no one claiming her, the teacher became even more concerned, especially when the weather began to get colder. The teacher, who already had 3 cats at home, couldn't keep her, but knew she had to take action. She called on her friend who volunteers with Lifeline. Fast forward, Melody now has a great indoor home and, sadly, after her senior kitty "brother" passed away, is enjoying being the queen of the house. She is active, curious, and loves to be petted and will give you head bumps in return. Her mom reports that Melody "helps" her when she works at home, demands to be petted when mom is having virtual meetings, and even has a special spot by the computer where she can be next to mom. Guess you could say that Melody is a successful high school graduate!
Melody was used to being around people and other cats because she spent lots of time hanging around a high school. Maybe she just wanted a good education! No one took much notice of this friendly and affectionate girl, until one of the math teachers did. The teacher began leaving food for her, and petting her, and also made sure that the kids treated her well, but seeing the cat taking shelter by the trash cans and no one claiming her, the teacher became even more concerned, especially when the weather began to get colder. The teacher, who already had 3 cats at home, couldn't keep her, but knew she had to take action. She called on her friend who volunteers with Lifeline. Fast forward, Melody now has a great indoor home and, sadly, after her senior kitty "brother" passed away, is enjoying being the queen of the house. She is active, curious, and loves to be petted and will give you head bumps in return. Her mom reports that Melody "helps" her when she works at home, demands to be petted when mom is having virtual meetings, and even has a special spot by the computer where she can be next to mom. Guess you could say that Melody is a successful high school graduate!
Sully: Blind and Beautiful!
Blanca: Wonderfully One-Eyed!
Beautiful, all white Blanca was rescued, crying from living on the streets around Rosemead Blvd. She was pretty young, but had already had a few litters of kittens, all who had disappeared, likely from coyotes, other predators, or just from the hard life. She was scared but submissive, and we knew she would eventually be adoptable. Blanca was soon pronounced healthy, except for an untreatable eye issue. Her eye had to be surgically removed. For awhile, our lovely girl looked like a pirate, but it didn't phase her. She kept getting sweeter and sweeter, and more trusting. Since she did not especially like to be taken to adoptions, it was difficult for her to be seen, and when she was, she was passed over because she didn't look "perfect." A few years went by, when our Web Manager, for the third time, featured Blanca in our Cat of the Week spot in the weekly local paper. Just by chance, a couple, who never read that paper, happened to stop at a local restaurant for breakfast, and picked up the paper. It was serendipity! They read about her and wanted to help! Long story short: this wonderful couple adopted Blanca, and now Blanca is in a loving, forever home, being pampered as this little trooper truly deserves! |
Kitty Katana!
Katana had a bumpy start in life. In 2011 she was abandoned at a Petco store. A vet exam determined that she had feline herpes virus. She is partially sighted, with sensitive eyes, and was fearful if a hand approached her from the front. Yet, Katana was, and is, very sweet--one of our "Absolutely Purr-fect" kitties, even though no one showed interest in this cute orange and white lovey, who was curious, friendly, and playful. That is, until Mary came along, who was one of our volunteers. Mary adopted the sweet girl who had lived at the rescue for 5 years, concerned that no one would want to adopt a kitty with "compromised" eye sight, and now Katana resides as the only girl among 3 other boys. Initially Katana hid under the stove in the kitchen. After getting her out from under the stove and blocking off the doorway to the kitchen, Katana spent most of her first two months in the hidey box in the den, where food and water and a litter box were kept close by. Mary would reach in and give her pets and love and talk sweetly to her, but she pretty much stayed in the box where she felt safe. And then one day, while Mary was sitting on the couch in the living room, Katana walked out, sat by the fireplace hearth, looked up and levitated herself to the top of the mantle, where she proceeded to stroll along from one end to the other, jumping down to a nearby desk and then making her way to the top of a bookcase, never knocking over any of the items. Mary took one look at her and said so much for compromised eyesight! |
Katana is now 10 years old and is the Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty, Pretty Princess (yes, it requires 5 prettys when speaking to her) of the household. She basks in the glory of being such a special girl and loves to be petted and to rub the side of her face against your fingers. She is more social than the two younger boys and will allow "strangers" to interact with her. And within the last couple of months, Mary reports that Katana recently got onto her lap! She is a special joy and a great addition to the home - well worth the time and patience it took to get her acclimated to a loving home life.
Friendly Ferris!
One day a stray cat showed up in President Kathy's backyard. She called him "Ferris," because she thought he was feral. No one claimed him, so Kathy fed him and took him to the vet for a health exam and neuter. After that, he turned into a BIG LOVE! Ferris stayed in the yard and would run to Kathy as she walked into the yard, but Kathy had 3 cats already, so she decided to find him a new home.
Lifeline posted Ferris on our website, and soon a nice woman (see pic) applied for him. Ferris adjusted to indoor life the minute he was adopted, never to have to endure the cruel outdoors again. Suffice to say that Ferris is now living the life of Riley, or, should we say, the life of Ferris! Watch the cute video of Ferris that Kathy's hubby did, showing Ferris getting lots of attention in the mancave!
One day a stray cat showed up in President Kathy's backyard. She called him "Ferris," because she thought he was feral. No one claimed him, so Kathy fed him and took him to the vet for a health exam and neuter. After that, he turned into a BIG LOVE! Ferris stayed in the yard and would run to Kathy as she walked into the yard, but Kathy had 3 cats already, so she decided to find him a new home.
Lifeline posted Ferris on our website, and soon a nice woman (see pic) applied for him. Ferris adjusted to indoor life the minute he was adopted, never to have to endure the cruel outdoors again. Suffice to say that Ferris is now living the life of Riley, or, should we say, the life of Ferris! Watch the cute video of Ferris that Kathy's hubby did, showing Ferris getting lots of attention in the mancave!