Do You Have a Plan?
In this challenging time, it is important for all of us to recognize the need for an emergency plan for our pets, in the event you or someone you know needs to be hospitalized or is somehow unable to care for them. This can happen to anyone at any age.
All pets must be considered if there is an emergency so that they can be kept as safe and comfortable as possible. It is best to keep them with their families or people they know, and out of shelters or cages in unfamiliar and scary environments.
We urge you to include your pets into your preparedness plan, and designate alternate caregivers. Make sure that person agrees and understands your pet’s/pets’ requirements. Have a written list explaining their needs, i.e. food, litter, medical issues, vet office, special quirks, and behaviors. You can set aside funds for that if need be. If you have pet insurance, include copies of the documents. Lastly, if your pets are microchipped (and we hope they are) make sure you have registered the chip and include the chip number and company.
Some of you have asked if we have any resources of companies that help with pet plans in your estate. One such company is Copenbarger and Copenbarger. They have an informative video called "Paws and Plans, a Loving Legacy for your Pet." (Just click on that title.)
Naming Lifeline for Pets in your will or trust is a purr-fect way to support us.
If you already have a will or estate plan, you can add Lifeline for Pets as a beneficiary. You can designate investment accounts, bank accounts, life insurance policies, and other types of assets to Lifeline for Pets or any charity. Under current tax law, there is no upper limit on the estate tax deduction for your charitable bequests. Estate law can be complex and we suggest that you seek legal advice when creating charitable gifts.
If you have created your own will, you may use the following language to give a gift to Lifeline for Pets:
I give and devise to Lifeline for Pets (Tax ID: 95-3786746), located in Pasadena, CA, $____ (or state a percentage) of the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be used for its general support (or for the support of a specific fund or program).
You can even donate the remainder of your retirement assets (IRA, 401K, etc.) or donate a life insurance policy. Speak with your estate attorney and/or a knowledgable company agent.
However you wish to support us, please let us know so that we can thank you! Every gift, no matter how small, is much appreciated and so very helpful! A huge reward for your generosity is your good feeling that you will be providing for the lifesaving care and well-being of countless vulnerable animals we rescue.
Wishing all of you the very best of health!
Be well, be safe, be strong.
~Lifeline for Pets